Boost mood your with a dance workoutÂ
Research shows that dancing improves your coordination and focus, connecting the body, mind and brain. Researchers have discovered that rhythm activates areas of the brain responsible for processing language, and it releases happiness hormones such as dopamine and endorphins. Also, dancing stimulates the natural instinct to play, often suppressed or simply not pursued by adults. In fact, dancing can reduce stress hormones, stimulate the brain to create neural connections, grow the brain’s volume, and increase our general well-being. Feeling a little off your game? Then join one of our V/Dance classes and shake off the stress of everyday life.
Get energized with a yoga session
Not feeling up to it without coffee in the morning? How about a yoga session instead? Yoga focuses on the synchronization of breath and movement. The key is that the motion should follow the breath and not the other way around. Through flowing movements, twists, backbends and the sun salutation, you can get yourself going at any time of the day and elevate to a more energetic level. Try starting your morning with one of our V/Flow sessions and see if you even need the caffeine kick afterwards.
Release stress with a HIIT workout
With HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), you reach your peak performance for a short time period, followed by a resting phase. These alternations mean your heart has to keep adapting, making it more flexible and therefore more adaptable to stress. In fact, studies show that HIIT training improves the cardiovascular system. Plus, you get a good boost of endorphins, which counteract that stressed-out feeling. If you’re at a loss for words, hop into one of our V/Burn workouts. A little tip: shouting during your workout to release all that tension can help too đ