1. Set clear goals
The SMART formula will help you. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attractive, realistic and timed. If your goal meets all 5 criteria, it will be a lot easier for you to implement into your everyday life.
Be as clear and specific as possible. Instead of a vague resolution like “exercise more”, commit to a goal like: “I will exercise twice a week for 30 minutes. And I’ll make time for that on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m.”
Establish criteria by which you can measure your progress. Want to eat healthier? Then make a commitment to eat at least one healthy meal every day. That way, you can easily track your progress.
Find a goal that you really want to achieve. The stronger your intrinsic motivation, the more likely you are to keep at it.
Find a goal that is feasible for you within the limits of your abilities and time resources.
Set a time frame – if possible even an exact date – by which you want to have reached your goal.
2. Break your goal down into actionable steps
You want to run a half marathon in 6 months? Then set yourself intermediate goals that will support you on your way. For example: the first month, your target is to run a mile in one stretch, then the 2nd month it’s 2 miles, and so on. This way you can measure your progress and even big goals are broken down into manageable steps.
3. Write down your goals
Writing down your goals not only helps you to formulate them clearly and precisely, it also makes your goal seem more real once you see it on paper.
Our tip: You can keep your goal in mind every day by writing it on a Post-it note and sticking it on the fridge or carrying it around in your phone case. Just pick a place where you’re guaranteed to see it on a daily basis.
4. Set one goal at a time
Even if you’re bursting with enthusiasm at the beginning of a new resolution, setting too many goals at once usually means that you won’t achieve any of them at all. Start with one goal and move on to the next as soon as you’ve accomplished your first goal.